Cebu homegrown bakeshop brand enters Canada.
Red Maleta Eats: Cafe By The Ruins, Baguio
Its rustic charm won the hearts and stomachs of travelers and dining patrons.
Travel Diaries: Banaue’s Hiwang Village
Hiwang Village’s native huts boasts of fantastic views. Plus, the owner can share Igorot stories like beheading rituals.
Travel Diaries: Lost in Hungduan
We took a wrong turn in Banaue that led us to a sleepy village in Hungduan and discovered Hapao’s beautiful cascading terraces.
Travel Diaries: Banaue, Ifugao
Banaue is not only about the rice terraces. It’s also about their culture, their bayanihan spirit and reconnecting with Mother Earth.
Weekend Escapade: Bantayan Island
Bantayan Island is simply beautiful and serene. A welcome change from Boracay’s party scene.
The Legend of the Paoay Lake
There’s a legend behind every place. Read the story behind Lake Paoay.
Travel Diaries: Ilocos Norte
From the Bangui Windmill Farm to the famous Paoay Church. We’ve proven that Ilocos Norte can be toured in a day.
Red Maleta Eats: Ilocos Food Tour
A travel is never complete without sampling the local food.
Travel Diaries: Viva Vigan!
Walk down the timeless colonial streets of Vigan and admire the beauty of numerous ancestral houses.